Membership FAQ

What will it cost my company to be an ITSA member?


Initiation Fee (One Time) $ 250
Annual Dues $ 1,100
What is the difference between the three levels of ITSA membership?

A Regular member is a job shop or supplier in the thermal spray industry.  This membership also includes a Supporting Company membership with the American Welding Society providing five individual AWS memberships.

An Associate member is a consultant, university, or association in the thermal spray industry.  $300 Annual Dues

A Supporting Society member is an organization with interest in supporting the thermal spray industry. There are no annual dues.

Are any discounts associated with ITSA membership?

At this time, the discounts associated with ITSA membership are the “member” discounts with registration for the FABTECH Thermal Spray Conference. There are significant SPRAYTIME advertising discounts. Additionally, many member companies offer discounts to fellow member companies. There are also member discounts associated with the individual AWS memberships.

How far does the “company” membership extend?

Our association is a “company” membership. Employees of company members are also considered ITSA members.